The fast on the fifth day(Panchmi) of the waxing moon (shukl paksh)of Bhadrapad is undertaken by men and women alike. Its effect is to wash away sins done voluntarily or involuntarily.
The devotee should after a bath in the sacred water, clean his/her hands 108 times, the mouth 108 times and listen to the story of Ganesh, Navagreh, Saptarishi and worship Arundhati. Fruits should be eaten only once in a day.
Rushi Panchami 2010 date is September 12. In fact, Rishi Panchami is not a festival, but a vrata or puja to be performed by women. Rishi Panchami puja is mainly dedicated to Saptarshis or Sapta Rishis – seven sages.
Srishi is the sun of universe, if we born like a man srishi is the greatest step of human power. the great srishi make peace and happiness world for all human by their mind and mind power and their manthara
ReplyDeleteDilan Dharmapriya (dilandharma@gmail.com)